In Ivy's Mind
The Confessions of my mind....My little story about my relationships with the people in my life.. Number one factor.. My inlaws.

Monday, June 4, 2007

The "rescheduler"

I'm a "rescheduler". I'm "known" to reschedule.. I reschedule everything. I never make appointments.. I'm compulsive about it. Most of the time I make it to the resceduled appointment but I very very rarely make it to the original appointment.. There are a number of reasons.. But mainly i'm just horrible with schedules.. Planning things in advance is not my thing.. I never know what will come up.. I've got 4 kids and things change at the drop of a dime.. Even more when it comes to my husband.. I am not to be relied upon.. For anything..


Posted by Ivy :: 5:40 PM :: 1 Comments:

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