In Ivy's Mind
The Confessions of my mind....My little story about my relationships with the people in my life.. Number one factor.. My inlaws.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Too clean cut..

Is there a such thing as being too clean cut? Too good? To organized?

I think so. I went to the pharmacy the other day. I'm not used to coming into contact with people like this. This guy was something else. He wasnt what I'd normally consider attractive. Not by far. But something about him called out to me. He had a voice that was very soft spoken but when he spoke. He looked directly into your eyes. His voice was very alluring. He didnt talk at you. He spoke INTO you. Maybe I Imagined it but his eyes said he knew it too.

Everything about this guy was too neat. Too uncomplicated. Too clean. Too organized. His glasses were perfect. His hair was perfect. His posture perfect. His shirt ironed and crisp. His entire look perfect. I bet his shoe laces were tied directly in the middle with his loops being perfectly even too. Everything about him was way too neat and tidy. I had the overwhelming urge to mess him up.

I so badly wanted to reach over and untidy him. Make him just a lil dirrty. Maybe alot. Something called out to me screaming COMPLICATE ME! Something about him said,"i'm too neat, nice, clean, organized. Please, I beg you, Change me!" So maybe its all in my head. But I couldnt stand it. The urge to touch this guy was way too strong. Like I said. I'm not normally attracted to this type of guy. But I wanted to change his type very very much. I wanted to untuck his shirt, tussle his hair. I wanted to change the smile on his face to a smirk.

I have to go back there on Thursday. I bet he'll be there..

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